Wednesday, December 23, 2009
5 years today
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Presents already???
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas is in the air
With that, how are you all doing? Are you enjoying the holiday season? We are. My number one goal this December is to take it day by day. Every December comes and goes and I end up thinking, "where did it go?" This year will not be that way. I am determined to take every day and enjoy it for whatever it brings. Hopefully all of you will also take time to enjoy this wonderful time of year.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Goodbye November, I will miss you!
This has been a fairly busy week for us. One amazing thing that happened is that I finally started working again!! I substitute taught 2 days this week. I thought that was pretty good considering kids only went to school 3 days. I taught a 3rd grade class and a kindergarten class. A lot of you know how I feel about's not my favorite. In fact, it scares me a bit. But it went really well. They were the best group of kindergartners I have ever seen. Another reason it has been a busy week is that Micah had Thursday and Friday off. I love it when he has weekdays off of work. We had such a nice time together. I was reminded so many times on Thanksgiving of how thankful I am for him. He is so amazing and we just get along so well. We had a great couple of days. They were filled with Christmas movies, Christmas music and Christmas decorating! We did manage to find a Christmas tree. Who knew it would be so expensive!! But oh well, it was worth every penny. We went with a red and silver theme for the tree this year which is kind of new. I normally do a green and gold theme for our Christmas tree. I think this could be my most favorite tree that Micah and I have ever had together. Last year Micah was deployed over Christmas so I went to Washington and we never put a tree up in this house.
Other than that I don't have all that much to blog about actually. I just didn't want November to end with me just blogging once the entire month! I really need to go, we are off to church for the evening. I just wanted to do this before November said goodbye!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Little Homesick
So that is my blog for today. Not the the norm, right? But I am discouraged and thought I would share with you all because Micah doesn't really want to listen to me complain about my hair and I had to get it out.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Haunted Punting
Friday, October 30, 2009
I'm trying to think of some fun stuff we have been up to lately but it has been kind of bland around here. We are going punting tonight in Cambridge. Punting is kind of like taking a gondola ride through Cambridge on the river. We are going with a bunch of people and in the spirit of Halloween it will be "haunted"...scary! I think since Cambridge has so much history we will probably just tour the place famous people have lived and died at but we will have to see.
We are still enjoying the motorcycle. I think it is about time to put it away for the year. We don't want to ride it in the rain and these days you just never know if you will see rain. So that is that. Punting tonight and hopefully trick-or-treaters tomorrow night!! Do you know that this will be the first Halloween since we have been married that we will be in our home, both of us in the same place, for Halloween!! Now don't get me wrong. I could care less about the day, but I do love to see all those cute kids dressed up!! So I think that will be the highlight of our weekend for me. Micah is on call this weekend anyways so we can't do all that much. Maybe if we have some super cute trick-or-treaters I will post some pics!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
We're Back Folks!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
As you may have read we are in the market for a motorcycle. Well, we have purchased one, a Triumph to be exact, and we will pick it up on Saturday. They had to order a special one for us since we are just silly Americans. We are both super excited to get it home and have some fun with it. Since it is mostly Micah's thing I am going to have him tell you more about it after we get it. But stay tuned because I am pretty sure pictures are to follow.
Something else new around this camp is that I am once again a student. Well, not for about 2 more weeks, but as good as. I have decided to get my masters. I figure why not. My hope it to get a masters in education and curriculum with an emphasis on technology in the classroom. I am so excited! It will be so nice to be back in school and writing papers and what not. I always so that the perfect occupation for me is "student". I love to study and learn so the next 2 years will hopefully be quite enjoyable for me.
So those are the two big things for us. I have a dinner on the stove calling my name so I should get scooting. But stay tuned this weekend, you will hopefully see our new addition.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Off to Germany
Reason 1, I have never been to Germany. We have lived here almost a year and I still haven't been there. Kind of strange. We will only be there for a night and most likely will never leave the base, but I can still check it off the list. Micah has some work to do there so I will most likely be on my own, but it will still be fun. I hear Ramstien, the base we are going to, just finished a new shopping mall of sorts so I am looking forward to seeing that. Depending on how adventurous I feel I may venture off the base for a few hours to take in some sights.
Reason 2 that I am looking forward to this trip is that Micah is going to be the pilot!! Yup, that's right, I will finally get to go on a flight with him while he flying. In all our years I have never flown with him, not even in a little Sessna. So if all goes as planned (which it rarely does in the Air Force) Micah and I will be off to Germany tomorrow morning. How crazy is it that we will go in the morning and be back Saturday evening? So as they say in German, Bis gleich!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Good Things

Something that has been running through my head today is "good things". I think it has a lot to do with the whisper of fall I hear in the leaves. Whenever I start to feel fall coming it just does something to me. When the nights begin to get darker and the mornings crisper it just puts me at peace. So about good things...
For starters I finally finished my substitute application and plus I have turned it in! I got that application in April I think and I have just finally finished it. I can be the worlds biggest procrastinator when I put my mind to it:). I was told this morning that I may have all my clearances done by the time school starts so I can be subbing before I know it! I am excited at the thought of being back in the classroom, even if it's not my own class.
We found out last week that Micah will be going back to the States again for about a month or so for another class. I feel like that boy just never stops. It seems like every time I think things might slow down he is on the move again. So with Micah going to this school in the States I have the opportunity to come back for a little visit myself. I would like to do this, but after all the traveling I have done lately, I just don't know if I can handle another trip the Washington. Time will tell I guess. I have a couple of weeks till I have to decide.
The last good thing I have been thinking about may sound a bit silly to you, but absolutely HUGE to me! There is now a American radio station in the area!!! It is sooo nice to turn on the radio and not hear a British accent! Plus, I have been terribly missing a bit of country music in my life and they play country at night now! So life is good, right?
I hope you all may have a few "good things" that you are thinking about today too, and hopefully they will bring a smile to your face!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back in Ely
Our first day back went pretty well. I finished my subbing application today so now all I have to do is go to school and put the info into the computer. I am really excited to start subbing again. It will be nice to have something to do again. And Micah had a pleasant surprise when he got to work today. It ends up that he has tomorrow off. I think in the last 6 weeks Micah has been at work a total of 4 days!! I can't believe it. When he has to start working a full work week again it is going to be tough:). Since Micah has the day off tomorrow we are going to go motorcycle shopping!! We did a bit of shopping for a bike while we were home and now we are ready to get serious about it. Hopefully we will have some pictures to show you all tomorrow!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The greatest thing we did in OKC was visit the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. I remember when all that happened but I didn't expect it to be so moving. Both Micah and I were blown away but the solemness of the place. They have a beautiful memorial site and they also have a museum. When we left the museum I was emotionally exhausted. I had to fight back tears the entire time we were there. If any of you ever have the opportunity to see that I would strongly suggest it. It shows a different side of terrorism, that's for sure.
When we got back to Ely we immediately started a motorcycle class. Now for those of you who know Micah you much know that he has wanted a motorcycle for sooooooo long. After studying the Harley-Davidson company for his master's class he has been very excited to go out and buy one. In order to ride a motorcycle on any military base you are required to take a 3 day course. I was so happy that Micah wanted me to do this with him. He had three straight days off work and we had a blast! We both passed with flying colors and are very much looking forward to buying a bike. When we get back from our trip to Washington I think we will look into it.
And that brings us up to the next two weeks. We are heading back to the wonderful United State's of America to enjoy the great Pacific Northwest with our friends and family. As you can imagine we can't wait!! This is a very exciting trip for Micah especially because we will finally be able to meet his niece Mariah. So we take off on Tuesday and we get a full 2 weeks. Hopefully we will be able to get together with some of you!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A Glimpse at Royalty
I just thought I'd tell you about last Saturday, when we went to London with some friends to watch the play "Wicked." By the way, it was a great play, and forget everything you ever learned from the film Wizard of Oz, because it's all just subterfuge and a cover story for what really happened.
Okay, back to the rest of the day in London. As we were walking to the theater (and quite lost,) we saw a big crowd of people gathered near the palace, so we wandered over to see what was going on. We learned that it was the queen's official birthday celebration, and about 2 minutes later prince Harry and William scampered by in a horse-drawn carriage:
Jennie says the woman in blue is Camille. I'm not sure who that is, which probably exposes my ignorance of the Royal Family. However, a few minutes later another woman in blue rode by:
And even an ignoramus like me knows that that's the queen, so needless to say we were glad we stopped by to see what the crowd was all about. After all, the queen is almost as difficult to catch on film as this other camera-shy personality:

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Home from the Mediterranean
Here are a few pictures we took from the boat as we left Venice. It was beautiful there. We both agreed we will have to go back to Italy soon and spend some time in Venice. Unfortunately this is the most we saw of Italy.
Our second stop was Corfu Greece. Micah and I rented a scooter here and we buzzed all around. The most magnificent find we came across was an old Greek monastery. It had the most amazing view. We also saw the cutest dog EVER fast asleep by a boat because he had just played too hard.
Our third day brought us to Athens. Believe it or not this was probably my least favorite day. It was the nicest day we had had so far on the cruise and all I wanted was a beach and some sunscreen. Instead I got a bunch of ruins and a lot of walking. But I was happy we went because it was amazing. When we first got to Athens and I looked up and saw the hill we had to climb to get to the the Parthenon, I thought there was no way we would make it...but we did and it was totally worth it.
After Athens we went to Mykynos, my absolute favorite stop! Mykonos is the classic Greek island with all the white houses and blue and red roofs. It was breathtaking. We rented scooters this day too and had a BLAST!! On this day we both got our own scooter and scooted all over the island. It was nice to be on our own so we could go wherever we wanted. We went high into the hills and looked at all the houses. I would love to go back at least one more time and spend just a weekend there. So pretty!!
The last stop we made was Katakalon. On the island of Katakalon you can find Olympia. So we went up there and saw the Temple of Zeus and the place where they held the very first Olympics. It was quite something. This first picture is Micah running through the tunnel that the very first Olympians ran through to compete in the first games.
So I don't want to bore you with too much more. I think I may have overdone it already with this post. But if you want to see all of our pictures I will have them on my facebook page so feel free to check that out and look at the rest of our pictures.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
So, on to other news. At the end of the week we are going to have some more visitors. A friend of ours from Kansas is going on a European vacation with her aunt and uncle and they will be staying with us for quite a bit of it. All together they will be here for 6 weeks I believe and coming and going from our house throughout the trip. I think by the end of the summer I am going to feel like we are running a B&B around here:)
Currently Micah's boss is on a cruise for 2 weeks and while they are gone they have asked us to watch their dog! Now most of you know that Micah and I have wanted a dog for quite some time but we just have never felt right about it being gone so much. So this is perfect! We get a dog for 2 weeks and then she goes back home. I am personally LOVING it. She is such a sweet dog and she is so good. It is also very nice to have her around during the day to keep me company. She is really old, I think 14, so she doesn't get around too well. In fact she can't climb our stairs so she just stays on the main floor. Here is a picture of Lucca.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Our weekends have been quite boring lately. Micah is in the last class of his masters program so every Saturday and Sunday is dedicated to paper writing. Both he and I will be very happy when it is all said and done. I feel so bad for him. After working all week he comes home and does school work. Oh well, it's making him a better person, right? :)
We are getting VERY excited about the cruise, I think it is only about 2 1/2 weeks away. We are really hoping for good weather. But how can it not be nice in Greece in May? Right? This will be the first real vacation Micah and I have ever taken together. Yes we do go back to Washington together a few times a year but really, visiting family is not a vacation. And most other places we go are work related. After being married 4 1/2 years I think we have earned a vacation together:).
Our Washington trip is just around the corner too. Needless to say, we are also looking forward to seeing all of our friends and family back home. The sad part is that tickets are about 900 dollars a piece. Yes, I said 900. If anyone knows of some good airfare deals, let me know!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Things I miss

Monday, April 27, 2009
Home from London!
Tomorrow Caleb and I are going on base to see Micah and his airplane. Even though I have done this more times than I can count I always get excited to see him show people his plane. I get so proud of him. Caleb will hopefully get to go to a simulation of flying the plane with Micah. Once when my dad and uncles came to visit us in Kansas Micah took them in a sim but that has been the only time so I think it will be a lot of fun. If I get some good pictures of Caleb and me flying we will post them.
Off to London!
Today is just me and Caleb. Poor Micah has to work. Caleb and I are headed to London in just a bit to do some sightseeing. This will only be my third time there so I am actually kind of excited. It has been so nice to have Caleb around. He and Micah have been friends for sooo long and they get along so well. We sure have a lot of fun with him. He is leaving us on Wednesday to see the rest of Europe. We will be sad to see him leave but very excited for all he is going to see and do.
Well, we are off to London, if we see the queen or anything we will take a picture for you all:)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Currently Micah is writing a paper. He is taking his last class and then he will be done with his masters program. But these last few papers are going to be hard to get done. I feel really bad for him. But when it is all said and done he will have his masters and I think he will be happy about that. It has to be extra hard today for him because of the sun and all. So I am quietly sitting here trying not to distract him but I feel the boredom coming on. I should really go find something to do.