Sunday, July 5, 2009

I would like to start this post with a HUGE apology to all those who check in with our blog on a regular basis. What it comes down to is that I am just not a good blogger:). When life gets busy I push the blog to the end of the to-do list. So I will try to catch you all up on what is new in our lives.

I never thought this summer would end up keeping us so busy. To begin with we have had a TON of visitors. I can't believe it! From people staying for a week or two to guests just staying a night or two. But either way a lot of people coming through. This has been nice because it gives us a chance to go see places and do things we maybe would not have done otherwise. Yesterday our friend Kaity from Kansas left us and I think that is the end to guests, at least for a while. While Kaity was here she and I had a short trip to Amsterdam. I was reminded again of how much I love that city. It is just amazing. So beautiful! Kaity's father was born in Friesland so we went and spent a day in the country with her family. It was so fun! Everywhere we went we met a VanderLaan or Terpstra or Feenstra... I felt like I was back in Lynden. It was so nice to see where many people from our home town originally came from. While we were there we toured a few farms and went to a street fair. We had a difficult time communicating with some of the people but we learned that gestures go a long way:).

Micah has been so very busy. After he finished his masters program in May he started preparing for a big inspection at work. All the hard work and long hours paid off because his squadron passed with flying colors. Even though it was a squadron inspection most of the work fell on the shoulders of his office. But fortunately he really enjoys the guys in his office so the long hours weren't so bad. Now that the inspection is over he will be heading to the States for a few weeks to go to a school. It feels like it will never end.

So that is a short update on us. We look forward to our trip back to Washington next month for a chance to relax and hopefully catch up with a few of you!


Unknown said...

Can't wait to see you again! Thankfully, I'm a "follower" on your blog, so I get a little "new post" message every time you post, no worries. We had a great 4th here, and it actually DIDN'T rain! Who knew that could happen? :-) Again, looking forward to your visit, we should have lots of babies for you to see by then! (okay, two, but still!) Love ya!

Unknown said...

Update the blog when you feel like. If you spent all your time updating the blog there'd be nothing to update it with!

Brian Jager said...

Yeah you are alive!! Miss reading your posts but it sounds like all is well!! Can't wait to see you soon!

Anna Le said...

Hey so when you gonna visit us?