Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hi everyone! Once again it has been way too long since I have posted a new blog. Not much going on around here. It has been incredibly cold here this past week. In fact someone told us some snow even fell yesterday. But in spite of the cold, tulips and daffodils are popping up all over the place. It looks so pretty. People actually plant those kind of bulbs in the grass and when they are done blooming the do their first mow and call it good. So some people have random flowers blooming in the middle of their grass. Kind of different. They call it "free planting".

Micah and I did something kind of fun yesterday. We went to this store where you run on a treadmill and they record you running. When we were done we assessed our gait with one of the guys that works there. We were able to see how we run and what kind of shoes will work best for us. It was really neat. I had never heard of gait assessment before.

Micah and I still haven't been golfing yet this year! We are quite disappointed in ourselves. Every weekend we have big plans to dust off our clubs and hit the links but it's either too cold or rainy or something comes up. We have heard good things about the Ely golf courses so we are looking forward to finally getting out there. Maybe today will finally be the day, we will have to see.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hooray for Jennie!

I realizing naming a post "Hooray for Jennie" may sound a bit conceited. But guess what I did? I did my taxes! That's right all on my own. You have no idea what an accomplishment this is. I am sure many of you do this every year but not me. Every year I start them on Turbo Tax but end up taking them in because it is too confusing. But this year I sat down and started...and I finished. Who knew??? I told Micah I bet he didn't think he married a girl that could do taxes and he said he didn't really think that was my thing. But I surprised the both of us. Tanya, you would be proud:). So now we are just waiting for our refund check. And if I did screw up on a few little things (which I doubt) Turbo Tax told me I am at no risk of being audited so the government will never even know:),lol.

So thanks for reading my little brag session. It won't happen very often but I thought it was called for on this one.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Today is shaping up to be a wonderful day. The sun is shining and it has been consistently shining since this morning. Very rare. So after I finish my afternoon of cleaning I think I will venture over to the driving range. I talked to a lady at aerobics today and she told me all about the driving range in Ely. Apparently it has a 9-hole course also so maybe Micah and I will get a few holes in over the weekend.

So in addition to my golf plans and house cleaning I am hoping to make some cookies today. Baking is always a funny thing around here. Micah tells me not to bake because he thinks we need to loose weight. Which I agree with completely. But so he tells me no cookies but then he eats chips. Go figure. So I bake the cookies, he eats most of them and then tells me not to bake anymore. It is just something we do.

So after our exploring day in Ely I talked with my friend Danell and we have made plans to shop in Ely this week. This is kind of exciting because Danell and I always shop in Newmarket and Cambridge, we never stay in my town. So it will be nice to share my town with my friend. We will go for tea like true Brits and probably eat some scones. I love going for tea because the food is always so good! There is a tea house in Ely called "Peacocks" and it was voted number one in the UK in 2007. That is quite something considering all the tea houses in Britain.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Well, once again it has been way too long since the last post. Things just aren't that exciting these days. Last night Micah and I hung out with his squadron on base. They had a steak night so everyone hung out and ate some meat. We had a lot of fun. That was really the first time I have met the people he works with. And tonight we are off to dinner at one of Micah's coworkers house. I am super excited about this because I have been eager to meet people.

Micah and I explored Ely a bit more today. We walked down the the river and check out the boats and the fisherman. It was really neat. We have lived here a while now and I can't believe today was our first time down there. We found a really nice antique shop that has like 4 levels, it was massive. We didn't have time to explore it all but there is always next weekend. Whenever we find cool new places in town we get excited for people to come visit to share all this stuff with them.

Only about a month until Micah's friend from college comes to visit. We are looking forward to that. I have a lot to do before they come. Next weekend we are getting a bed for the guest room. I am hoping to make a trip to IKEA next week to decorate it a bit. They are big soccer fans so we are going to go watch a game with them in London while they are here.

Well that is about all that is new around here. Sorry things aren't more interesting.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I think it is time for a new post but there is really nothing new to share. Micah is still at home he has to go back to work on Thursday. It has been so very nice to be able to spend some time together.

Micah has been busy working on the Mitsubishi. The rear brakes seized up and the car couldn't move. So Micah has spent the whole week trying to fix that. Well today he finally did it! I was very proud of my mechanical husband. We were getting a bit worried. We did not want to buy a new car again and it was beginning to look like we would have to. Other than the car drama we have just been hanging out on base and in Ely. We have recently discovered Facebook and that seems to take up a lot of our time. If any of you are on facebook I am sure you will find us on there quite a bit.

Micah already has to go on another trip next week. I am excited for him though because he is going to go to some fun places. The squadron that he is in now is a bit smaller so there are a lot more opportunities for him to travel. And since we live in Europe he gets to go to more interesting places than just Oklahoma.

One more thing. I have been getting some interest from some of you about coming to visit. I just want to let you all know that the invitation is always open. A buddy of Micah's from college is coming to visit us next month and we are really looking forward to that. So our door is always open, that's all I wanted to say.