Thursday, December 23, 2010

I can't believe Reese is already a month old! I have no idea where that month went:). It feels like we just brought her home yesterday. But I know that is not true. In fact a lot has happened in this past month. My mom was here for the first 3 weeks. It was so nice to have her here to help out and lend a hand. As I recovered from my c-section it was great to have both Micah and my mom around to pitch in. I was so thankful that my mom had the chance to be here when Reese was first born and she had a chance to spend time with her.

In the last month Reese has changed a ton! When she was born she weighed 7 pounds...when I weighed her this morning she weighed 11!! Yes, she is a chubster:). Our little girl is definitely not going hungry. She has also grown, she is already wearing leggings in 3 month size. She is growing like a weed. She is also a fantastic sleeper...well, at night she is. At night she lets us sleep quite a bit but during the day is a different story:). Sometimes it feels like she would just rather cry all afternoon instead of taking a nap. But that is okay because it gives us a lot of snuggle time.

We are looking forward to our first Christmas with our little girl. Although she won't care whatsoever about it, it will be special to us.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reese Avery

Well as you can see blog has a new title. As you have most likely heard by now Micah and I welcomed to the world our precious Reese Avery on Monday Nov. 22 at 4:49 pm. I went to the doctor last Monday for my 38 week appointment and the doctor told me Reese had flipped over the last two weeks and she was now breech. They tried to flip her but she proved to be too stubborn. I ended up having a c-section later that afternoon. Not at all how I had thought my Monday would go but I was sure happy the way it ended:).
Micah and I have been have so much fun being parents. So far we think Reese is a super star:). She is such a good sleeper, sometimes too good, she likes to sleep through feedings. She is such stinker. She has been eating really well and gaining weight. We went to the doctor for her first appointment last week and her doctor said she was doing very well. We go back on Monday for her 2 week appointment. I can't believe she will already be 2 weeks by then. It feels like just yesterday Micah and I were bursting at the seams with excitement because I was 4 weeks pregnant. It was so hard to keep that secret. And now after 9 long months we have her and she is amazing. It is amazing the way life changes. At times it is hard to believe we ever felt satisfied in life without her:). We are overjoyed with our little girl and amazed every day how God has blessed us!