Monday, November 16, 2009

As I sit and blog this morning I am so reminded of the wonderful Washington weather that I love. One great thing about living in the UK is that the weather is so similar to that of the Pacific Northwest. No matter where the Air Force takes us my heart with always be in Northwest Washington. Where we live in the UK is actually the driest part of the region. I was a bit disappointed when I found that out. Everyone said that it rains in England every day. Well that is just a fat lie. Even in the fall we can go a good strong week and never see a drop of rain. It is just wrong. Most of you know that I am a fall fanatic. But what I love most about the fall is the rain! I am such a rain junky and whenever I hear the sound of rain and wind beating on my windows it just fills my heart with happiness. I don't necessarily mind the sun, but only when it is appropriate. Like in June and July. I don't know why it bothers to come out in November!! November is for leaves falling and wind blowing and bundling up because it is so super cold. Yesterday it was so sunny and bright it just kind of put me in a bad mood. But this morning is a totally different day. I totally have a smile on my face this morning. The wind is blowing and the rain is coming down. It is still kind of dark out and it will most likely stay dark all day. I know most of you think I am crazy because I would rather have the dark wet weather than silly old sun....but I know a few of you that are kindred spirits and today is a day for us. I wish I could bottle today and keep it with me all year so I could console myself through the summer months. Today is a day for cleaning house, baking and split pea soup! So that is on my agenda today, and most likely in that order. Micah isn't a huge fan of soup for dinner but you can't deny it when you have an amazing day like this one.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

we are having one of those days here today as well. We had the biggest wind storm last night. I am making dutch meatball for dinner.