Monday, April 27, 2009

Home from London!

Caleb and I just got home from London. We had such an amazing day. It started out a little rocky but we got there none the less. The first thing we saw was the London Museum and the Rosetta Stone. It was really cool. I had never been there before so it was a first for both of us. One GREAT thing about London is that pretty much every single museum is FREE! They ask for a donation when you come in but that is it. They have more museums than I have ever seen before. We started the journey with the Rosetta Stone and saw mummies and Greek sculpture and a ton of other stuff. It really makes you feel insignificant. We go through every day stressed out about this and that thinking our lives are so important. Then you see a bunch of sculptures from like 1300 BC and you realize our lives are so small. This world is so old. Civilizations all through time have been leaving their mark on this world. It also makes you think about what legacy we will leave. It was be interesting to fast forward 500 years and see how we influenced the world. So that is my deep thought for the month. Do what you will with it:)

Tomorrow Caleb and I are going on base to see Micah and his airplane. Even though I have done this more times than I can count I always get excited to see him show people his plane. I get so proud of him. Caleb will hopefully get to go to a simulation of flying the plane with Micah. Once when my dad and uncles came to visit us in Kansas Micah took them in a sim but that has been the only time so I think it will be a lot of fun. If I get some good pictures of Caleb and me flying we will post them.

Off to London!

We just spent the weekend in Liverpool. It was fun but it is good to be home. We went there because our friends Brian and Sara who are visiting wanted to go watch a soccer game. Micah and Caleb and I tagged along and had a great time. Our team ended up loosing but that didn't matter much to us, it was just neat to be in a soccer stadium. Everywhere we went on Saturday we saw people all over town dressed in Everton blue. It was cool to see the pride the city took in their team. Brian and Sara wanted to stick around a bit longer so we left them there for a few days to do some sightseeing on their own. It is nice to live somewhere where public transportation is so easy to use. Liverpool ended up being a really nice city. Even though we were still in the UK I felt like we were in another country because in Liverpool they speak a different English than anywhere I have ever been.

Today is just me and Caleb. Poor Micah has to work. Caleb and I are headed to London in just a bit to do some sightseeing. This will only be my third time there so I am actually kind of excited. It has been so nice to have Caleb around. He and Micah have been friends for sooo long and they get along so well. We sure have a lot of fun with him. He is leaving us on Wednesday to see the rest of Europe. We will be sad to see him leave but very excited for all he is going to see and do.

Well, we are off to London, if we see the queen or anything we will take a picture for you all:)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

It is another beautiful spring day here in Ely. This whole weekend has actually been very sunny. Even though the sun is out there is still a chill in the air. Micah and I have had a very enjoyable weekend. We walked into town yesterday for a pint and some dinner. There is a nice river that flows through town so we sat outside and and watched the boats on the water. There were so many people out and about. As soon as the sun peeks it's way through the clouds it seems like the entire town comes out to play. I am hoping that the sun stays around for a bit because our guests arrive tomorrow! We are both looking forward to a little change of pace.

Currently Micah is writing a paper. He is taking his last class and then he will be done with his masters program. But these last few papers are going to be hard to get done. I feel really bad for him. But when it is all said and done he will have his masters and I think he will be happy about that. It has to be extra hard today for him because of the sun and all. So I am quietly sitting here trying not to distract him but I feel the boredom coming on. I should really go find something to do.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Dentist...

I am very frustrated with my dentist right now. I absolutely hate going to the dentist but I go every 6 months like I should and endure the pain. I get so tense that I think I make the dentist uncomfortable because he/she always thinks I am in pain, even for a cleaning. Anyways, a few weeks ago I went to the dentist and she informed me I had 5 cavities!!! Can you believe that??? Well, apparently my other dentist couldn't believe it either because he completely disagreed with her and only gave me one filling. So after that I wasn't frustrated with him, I was actually quite happy with him....until now. I was eating a wonderful peanut mix today and quite enjoying it when, pop, I lost part of my filling. And since I was eating crunchy peanuts I think I thought my filling was just another peanut and swallowed it along with the mix. So now my mouth is in pain and it is Friday so I have no chance of getting this dealt with until Monday! Oh the frustration!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Table

Micah and I have recently bought a new dining room table. We are both very excited about this because for the 4 1/2 years we have been married we have been using the same table I had in college. It has been a good table to us through the years but it was just to small. In light of us having some house guests in the coming weeks we thought we should look into getting a nice table. Well we have finally found one. We love it. So here are a few pictures of our new piece of furniture.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well here are a few pictures of our walls not that stuff is on them! This house is feeling more and more like "home" all the time. Our landlords were great about hanging everything I wanted on the walls. And they even told us that if things are too heavy Micah can hang stuff on his own so we are set.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thought I was going crazy for a minute there...

Hey everyone, Micah here.

So my friend has been telling me for months that there is a type of deer here that is no bigger than an average dog when it is full-grown. He said they also have very small antlers, but huge fangs or tusks, similar to the hogs that almost finished off Old Yeller. He said they were called "monk jacks," or at least that's what I thought he was saying. Every time he brought these deer up in conversation I told him that he was silly for thinking I would believe in such an animal, because I assumed he was pulling my leg, and a "monk jack" is made-up, like a jackalope.

Well, last night as I was driving home I saw a deer about the size of a dog on the side of the road, with fangs and glowing eyes (from the headlights) watching me. So i finally googled "monkjack" and it steered me in this direction: After reading it, I realized that my friend is not the liar that I thought he was and, more importantly, I am not going crazy and imagining litte deer with fangs as I drive through the night.

By the way, I realize wikipedia is not necessarily a legitimate source of info (they do have an extensive section on sasquatches, after all) but it sure is handy.


Yippee!! Well come Saturday afternoon Micah and I will have pictures on our walls! We have lived here since November 1 and we still do not have anything on our walls. Our landlords don't want us to hang anything so they have to do it for us. They have been here a few times but either they forget the tools or just run out of time. I understand this. They are very busy people. But on Saturday they are coming at 11 and making my house finally feel like home. This comes at the perfect time with our first guests coming soon. So here are a few pictures of the before stuff is on the walls. You will notice that there are a lot of pictures leaning against the wall because that is where they will be hung. Now, after Saturday I will post pictures with things on the wall and hopefully it will look a ton better. So stay tuned...
Check Spelling

Sunday, April 5, 2009

As I write this Micah and I are in the middle of an intense guitar hero marathon. I absolutely love it when we place this game. We have so much fun! We each take about 5 songs and then switch off. Micah is way better than I but I am getting better. We can now play on the same level so that is nice. But enough about guitar hero...

This coming week will be our last week alone for quite a while. Micah's friend Brian and his wife are coming on in two weeks and they will be here for two weeks I believe. And the day after they get here our friend Caleb is going to come...for over a month!! We are so pumped! With spring here and the days getting longer it really makes us both miss home a little more so it will be nice to have Caleb around as a little reminder of home. Micah will obviously take some days off while everyone is here but he won't be able to all that much. So that will leave me as the tour guide. The first thing we are all going to do together is go see a football (soccer) game in Liverpool. We are going to take about 3 days there to watch the game and do some sightseeing. Micah and I have never seen a British footy (that is what they call soccer for short over here) match before so we are looking forward to it.

We drove out to the coast today. We brought our camera thinking we would get some great pictures to share with you. Well, I guess everyone else in the UK had the same idea today because traffic was horrendous. In fact we never even made it to the beach we were headed to. We turned around and started heading home very disappointed. We did end up finding a little beach but by that time we were so disappointed the camera never even made it out. So we will try for the coast some other day, preferably not a gorgeous Sunday afternoon when everyone and their brother is heading out there.