On Saturday Micah and I took Reese to the cutest town ever, Lincoln. It was one of those days that we will forever remember. It wasn't that something amazing happened, it was just one of those days. You guys know what kind of day I'm talking about. One that is fun and easy and goes just the right speed. We started the day going to Starbucks because we we're out of coffee and you know that is no way to start a day. After coffee we grabbed some breakfast, which we rarely do, and headed to Lincoln. There is a cathedral there that is just amazing. I thought the Ely cathedral was nice but this one totally beat it.
We also went to the Lincoln castle while we were there. I can't believe we live in a place where on the the weekends we can go visit castles and cathedrals. Next time I catch myself complaining about how inconvenient it is living here I need to remind myself about all the amazing things we get to do and see while here. Unfortunately we only took pictures from the top of the castle.
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