Friday, August 26, 2011

What A Week

Wow, we have had quite the eventful week. Monday was a big day around here with Reese turning 9 months! I just had to take a moment Monday morning and think about my life 1o months ago before Reese...I can't really remember what I did with my days. I can't believe how fast these last few months have flown by. I know everyone always says how fast they go and you need to cherish every moment but I never really understood how true that was. Now with Reese being a whole 9 months she thinks she's a rock star! She pulls herself up on absolutely everything and has to walk along the couch and coffee table and anything else she can pull up on. Another Reese milestone is that she is routinely waking up at 7 or later every morning! She has even hit 8 a couple of mornings! This is huge because she has always been a 6:15-6:30 girl. That extra 1/2 hour plus is amazing! If Micah leaves early enough for work in the morning I even have time to drink a cup of coffee and read my Bible all before she wakes up!

Monday was also a big day for me because I finally finished my Master's!!! I am so excited to be 100% done with school for the rest of my life! All week I have had the strange feeling that I need to be doing something....but I don't:). I am so happy that now I can really enjoy Reese's nap times. I may even get a chance to read a book for my enjoyment.

Today is what the Air Force calls a "Family Day". We seem to have a lot of these living in England. A Family Day is a day when Micah gets to stay home from work and be with his family. We LOVE Family Day's around this camp. We will maybe take the train into Cambridge today and do some browsing through the market. It will depend on Reese though because she is threatening being sick and I just can't quite read how the day will turn out yet.

Monday, August 15, 2011

On Saturday Micah and I took Reese to the cutest town ever, Lincoln. It was one of those days that we will forever remember. It wasn't that something amazing happened, it was just one of those days. You guys know what kind of day I'm talking about. One that is fun and easy and goes just the right speed. We started the day going to Starbucks because we we're out of coffee and you know that is no way to start a day. After coffee we grabbed some breakfast, which we rarely do, and headed to Lincoln. There is a cathedral there that is just amazing. I thought the Ely cathedral was nice but this one totally beat it.

We also went to the Lincoln castle while we were there. I can't believe we live in a place where on the the weekends we can go visit castles and cathedrals. Next time I catch myself complaining about how inconvenient it is living here I need to remind myself about all the amazing things we get to do and see while here. Unfortunately we only took pictures from the top of the castle.
This is the only good picture we got of the castle wall. I don't know why we didn't think to get better pictures outside of the castle. Next trip that way I will have to remember to snap a few more pics!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Well, I'm not sure if you've heard, but Micah got his next assignment last week. It looks like we are headed to California next April! Both of us are so excited about this move it is definitely what we both have been wanting. Because of the job that Micah is going to be doing he won't be flying much over the next three years but he is okay with that. When our 3 years are up in Cali then Micah will go and learn to fly a new plane, so he still has some flying in his future. I know this wasn't much of a post but I just wanted everyone to know that time is running out on your window of opportunity to visit us in England, so book your tickets soon:).