Sunday, November 29, 2009

Goodbye November, I will miss you!

Can you believe November is almost over?? I feel like it just got here!! November is by far my favorite month because it marks the start of the holidays. In these parts no one celebrates Thanksgiving so we go right from Halloween to Christmas. So November really feels like the holidays around here.

This has been a fairly busy week for us. One amazing thing that happened is that I finally started working again!! I substitute taught 2 days this week. I thought that was pretty good considering kids only went to school 3 days. I taught a 3rd grade class and a kindergarten class. A lot of you know how I feel about's not my favorite. In fact, it scares me a bit. But it went really well. They were the best group of kindergartners I have ever seen. Another reason it has been a busy week is that Micah had Thursday and Friday off. I love it when he has weekdays off of work. We had such a nice time together. I was reminded so many times on Thanksgiving of how thankful I am for him. He is so amazing and we just get along so well. We had a great couple of days. They were filled with Christmas movies, Christmas music and Christmas decorating! We did manage to find a Christmas tree. Who knew it would be so expensive!! But oh well, it was worth every penny. We went with a red and silver theme for the tree this year which is kind of new. I normally do a green and gold theme for our Christmas tree. I think this could be my most favorite tree that Micah and I have ever had together. Last year Micah was deployed over Christmas so I went to Washington and we never put a tree up in this house.

Other than that I don't have all that much to blog about actually. I just didn't want November to end with me just blogging once the entire month! I really need to go, we are off to church for the evening. I just wanted to do this before November said goodbye!

Monday, November 16, 2009

As I sit and blog this morning I am so reminded of the wonderful Washington weather that I love. One great thing about living in the UK is that the weather is so similar to that of the Pacific Northwest. No matter where the Air Force takes us my heart with always be in Northwest Washington. Where we live in the UK is actually the driest part of the region. I was a bit disappointed when I found that out. Everyone said that it rains in England every day. Well that is just a fat lie. Even in the fall we can go a good strong week and never see a drop of rain. It is just wrong. Most of you know that I am a fall fanatic. But what I love most about the fall is the rain! I am such a rain junky and whenever I hear the sound of rain and wind beating on my windows it just fills my heart with happiness. I don't necessarily mind the sun, but only when it is appropriate. Like in June and July. I don't know why it bothers to come out in November!! November is for leaves falling and wind blowing and bundling up because it is so super cold. Yesterday it was so sunny and bright it just kind of put me in a bad mood. But this morning is a totally different day. I totally have a smile on my face this morning. The wind is blowing and the rain is coming down. It is still kind of dark out and it will most likely stay dark all day. I know most of you think I am crazy because I would rather have the dark wet weather than silly old sun....but I know a few of you that are kindred spirits and today is a day for us. I wish I could bottle today and keep it with me all year so I could console myself through the summer months. Today is a day for cleaning house, baking and split pea soup! So that is on my agenda today, and most likely in that order. Micah isn't a huge fan of soup for dinner but you can't deny it when you have an amazing day like this one.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Little Homesick

Well, as you can see from the title of this blog today I am feeling a bit homesick. But not in the usual way. I was just in Washington a couple months ago, I don't miss it that much yet. What has brought on my homesickness today is that fact that my hair is growing like crazy and it is time for me to get a haircut! I have yet to get my haircut in England. In fact, in the almost 5 years we have been married I have had my hair cut one time by someone other than a Lynden person. I am quite frugal and don't like to spend the money on haircuts so I usually just get it cut like once maybe twice a year. But my latest hair style is such that I need to keep up on it or else it just goes frumpy. Unfortunately, I have found the most amazing stylist in the entire world and she is in Lynden. I know right? I live right outside of London but I wish I could be in podunk L-town to get a haircut. But you don't understand how wonderful Mandi is...she cuts my hair perfectly. And by the way, if any of you are between stylists, I would strongly recommend her, she is at Northwest hair in Lynden. But anyways, it is hard finding a new girl to cut your hair. You never know what you are going to get. Especially when you have a mix of fine and thick hair like mine, it can go frumpy VERY fast. So I am sitting here trying to figure out who to have cut my hair in the next few weeks but really just wishing I could be back in Lynden for just a day to have Mandi cut my hair.

So that is my blog for today. Not the the norm, right? But I am discouraged and thought I would share with you all because Micah doesn't really want to listen to me complain about my hair and I had to get it out.