Hi everyone! Once again it has been way too long since I have posted a new blog. Not much going on around here. It has been incredibly cold here this past week. In fact someone told us some snow even fell yesterday. But in spite of the cold, tulips and daffodils are popping up all over the place. It looks so pretty. People actually plant those kind of bulbs in the grass and when they are done blooming the do their first mow and call it good. So some people have random flowers blooming in the middle of their grass. Kind of different. They call it "free planting".
Micah and I did something kind of fun yesterday. We went to this store where you run on a treadmill and they record you running. When we were done we assessed our gait with one of the guys that works there. We were able to see how we run and what kind of shoes will work best for us. It was really neat. I had never heard of gait assessment before.
Micah and I still haven't been golfing yet this year! We are quite disappointed in ourselves. Every weekend we have big plans to dust off our clubs and hit the links but it's either too cold or rainy or something comes up. We have heard good things about the Ely golf courses so we are looking forward to finally getting out there. Maybe today will finally be the day, we will have to see.
Birthday Reflections
6 years ago