Well, Micah and I rented a car today. Let me tell you, driving on the wrong side of the road is a bit more difficult than I first thought it would be:). So far not accidents, but day one isn't quite over. We haven't left base yet with it and probably won't until Monday when we begin house hunting. The speed limits are quite fast off base and those roundabouts are crazy. You know the roundabout by Whatcom, that is nothing like the roundabouts here!! You go zinging through them and just hope you know what you are doing:). I think we will be ready by Monday.
Micah and I are still adjusting to the time difference. We are pretty tired. For those of you in Washington we are 8 hours ahead of you. We have been trying to get up early but that is harder than it sounds. Everyone tells us to just keep getting up at a normal time and after a while things will get better.
Well, we are off to another drivng lesson on base....wish us luck!
Birthday Reflections
6 years ago
Wow Jennie! Roundabouts crazier than Whatcom? I'd like a photo please! If you need help learning to post them, just call some time and I'll walk you through the steps, (although consider the time difference first... on second thought, don't worry about it, I'll probably be up with the child who never sleeps anyway!) Love ya, and keep the posts coming!
Micah & Jennie;
Thanks so much for setting up this blog. It will be great keeping up with what you are doing over there in Jolly Old England. And....PLEASE POST SOME PHOTO'S. I know, it will probably take some time.
Mick and Jennie,
just wondering how the driving lesson went. I think you might need your mom w/ you to help drive from the pasanger seat. miss you lots, Mom
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