Hello Everyone!
Micah and I have arrived safely in England. We flew into London last night and got to our hotel around midnight London time. We had a great flight with a little turbulence but nothing too bad. We flew on a 777, what a way to fly. The plane wasn't even close to being a quarter full so we had our choice of seats. We just watched movies and ate some food. Both the meals they served were good, which was a surprise for airplane food.
Micah and I are currently living in a hotel on base and we will be here for a while. Our sponsor family is so great!! Josh works with Micah and his wife is Elizabeth. When we got to our hotel on base this afternoon Elizabeth had already been then with magazines for me and info on local letting(renting) agencies. I opened the fridge to find milk, eggs, meat, cheese... all the basics. She even got the things I would need to make spaghetti just so we wouldn't have to worry tonight about anything. I hope Micah and I have the chance to sponsor someone while we are here so we can do the same for someone else.
We will start house hunting next week and we will keep you all updated on what we find. Once we find a house to live in it could take around a month until we can actually move in. So that just means more hotel living for the two of us. I am very much looking forward to moving into our own house and getting all my clothes back!! It is kind of chilly here, much like Washington, and I am missing my fall clothes:).
Please remember to pray for us as we begin our lives here. We are so excited to be here and we know that God has a plan for us in bringing us here. Check back in a few days for another update!
Birthday Reflections
6 years ago
Go Jennie! I am so proud of you, you blogger you! Can't wait to follow your adventures!
sista!!!! yeah i'm glad you made it safely. how come you left and now i'm done with work? i'm sorry to tell you this but....dodge is depressed now that you're gone. maggie has run away. ginger hasn't left the porch in days. nev is so angry he won't even baaaa. i guess you better come home. just kidding everyone is fine, (except for dodge) :) hope everything is going well. call me when you get a chance.
Jennie! I am so glad that you have a blog now. This is great way to keep in touch. I will be praying for you guys and your new life. Take care friend!
TARA said this, but does not have a blog account~!YES it is true I am reading a blog. Josh and Elizabeth sound like great people, God is so good to bring people along our path. We are praying for you both, I even had my Bible Study ladies pray for you. MY mom says HI too, as she is too busy holding Madelyn. :)
Glad to read your blog..We are so thankful that you made it safe and sound.Thank you Lord!.sounds like you are off to a great beginning. Isn't it neat to see friends helping you even before you know they are friends. God works in mysterious ways! Keep practicing those round a bouts so you can clue us in on the new ones coming on the Guide. Weather has been great...enjoyed out Eastern Wash. short trip in our TransVan last week. beautiful countryside ..
Love you both...take care..Grandpa and Grandma Vanderpol
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