Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It sure has been a while...

Well, I think it is safe to say that I am a blogger failure. But don't blame me, blame motherhood:). I realize a lot of moms can be a mom and blog all at the same time, but it is super hard! Reese, who is a whole 8 months now, has me running all the time. And believe me, I am NOT complaining. I absolutely love it! But it is time consuming. Now that she is getting a bit older though and can play by herself for a bit perhaps I will find more time to spend on here. I guess time will tell. I only ask you to please not give up on me:). Check back ever so often and I will try to have posted some current pictures of our little life.

Not much new. Micah is busy with work, I am busy with Reese and my Master's and Reese is busy crawling. With a semi-mobile baby life has become more interesting. We have lately been introduced to baby gates. Wow, whoever invented them should get a gold star for functionality, but not some much for ease of use....I don't know if I am just slow but they are hard to install. Anyways, like I said Micah is busy with work and he is hoping to hear soon about where our next move will take us and he is hoping to get a new job soon too, so time will tell. I have been busy trying to complete my Master's, as of today it is 4 weeks and counting until I will say farewell to school for quite some time. I can't wait to be done!

So here are some pictures, I know that is why you come, just to see what we are up to:) I have posted a lot of these on FB so if there is a lot of repeats, sorry:).


Jessica said...

Yay! So glad to see a post. I totally understand the time thing...I have a hard time keeping up sometimes too:) Hope all is well, it sure looks like it is. Congrats on your Masters that is something to be proud of for sure!

Geevz said...

she's beautiful!

Unknown said...

Since some of us steer clear of Facebook, thanks for the "repeats!" Such a cute baby girl Jennie, she still looks so much like you did! A little blogging is better than none, so I'll take what I can get!

Tessa said...

It was so fun to see those pics of Reese! How exciting that she's now mobile! I'm sure she enjoys that! :) And huge congrats on your masters! I am IMPRESSED Jennie!!!