Well, Micah and I have both tried to post these pictures many times this week but things always seem to go wrong. But here are some pictures of our recent trip to Amsterdam. I still can't get over how pretty it was there. I am already thinking about the next time we will get to visit. We were only there for two days so we didn't get to do too much. We did have a chance to see the Anne Frank House which was quite sobering. We only took one picture because they asked us not to take pictures inside. So here is Micah standing outside.

What makes this city so pretty is all the canals, much like this one. Amsterdam is made up of a bunch of these.

We saw many
beautiful buildings, much like this
restaurant we ate dinner at our first night.

This is the oldest church in Amsterdam. In the heart of the Red Light District, no less.

Here is a picture we took of ourselves our day of sightseeing.

We rented bikes the second day we were there. Absolutely EVERYONE rides bikes there. We had so much fun!!! Except when Micah cut off an elderly woman on her bicycle, and she yelled at him and called him a "Duma." He tells me that is Dutch for "handsome." We rode all over the city all day long.

My wheels aren't glowing, they are reflecting from the camera flash. By the way, I had the prettiest bicycle from the store. -Micah

Another funny thing is that they had urinals randomly on street corners. So Micah obviously had to try it out. Too bad for him he used it after A LOT of people already had. Once he was done sanitation came to spray it out.

Here we are at the Heineken brewery and museum. Some people think it looks like we are standing behind one of those sets with holes for our faces, but that's actually just us.
This is actually a person, not a statue. I call him King Neptune. He wouldn't let me take his picture until I put money in his little container. Being Dutch, I gave him a 10-cent piece and figured that would be enough.
Hi Jennie! Thanks for your wonderful blog chapters. I love them. The pictures are great but it is just fun to be a small part of your life across the pond. I am so glad that you are doing some traveling in the area to take advantage of your time in England. It is too bad Micah will be gone for a time, but I look forward to having you around over the holiday. God bless and keep you both safe and in His peace.
Love always,
Aunt Linda
Oh Jen, who knew Ree-ree would become such a great blogger! Love, love, love it all. Thanks for taking the time to post for us.
it looks like micah's bike should be entered into the lighted christmas parade with the reflection on those wheels. too bad it was last weekend. see you tomorrow stister! oh...and hi micah.
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