I am so thankful that Thursday is just about over because I am excited for the week to come to an end. This has been a good week, don't get me wrong. It even went at just the right pace, not too fast and not too slow. I am just ready to spend some quality time with Micah. We actually have a pretty good weekend planned. On Saturday we are going to work on the house a bit. Our totally awesome landlords are going to bring us a bed while we are gone the next few months. I know that maybe doesn't make sense. You see, we have a queen bed for our guest room but queen beds don't fit up the stairs. Oddly, king beds do and our landlords have an extra king. They told us we could use it if we wanted and they even told us that they would bring it in and set it up while we are gone. How awesome is that! So we have to get the guest room all ready for them to come because before we know it we are going to be leaving for a while. So after we get the room in order we are going to go to Cambridge and go ice skating. I am really looking forward to that because I have never been ice skating outside before. So that is our Saturday. Sunday we are going to Amsterdam for a few days. Micah has to go there for work and I get to go with him. It is going to be great. Well we are watching "
Kung Fu Panda" tonight so I should get back to it.